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Econopolis Euro Bond Opportunities

Econopolis Euro Bond Opportunities is a sub-fund of Econopolis Funds, a Luxembourg domiciled SICAV with multiple compartments that meets the conditions of Directive 2009/65 / EC. Legal form: Limited Company.

  • Investment Manager: Econopolis Wealth Management NV, Sneeuwbeslaan 20 bus 12, 2610 Wilrijk (Belgium)
  • Depositary: Banque de Luxembourg, 14, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg
  • Financial Agent in Belgium: CACEIS Bank Belgium Branch, Havenlaan 86C bus 320, 1000 Brussels (Belgium)


ISIN code

Retail investors (A-share class):

LU1772801947 (Capitalisation), LU1772801780 (Distribution)

Institutional Investors (I share-class):

LU1772802598 (Capitalisation), LU1676055327 (Distribution)

Legal form A sub-fund under Luxembourg law of the SICAV Econopolis Funds
Duration Undetermined, compartment without final maturity
Minimum investment 1/1000th of a share
Type of investment Fixed Income
Investment horizon at least 3 years
Currency EUR

Michaël De Man

Head of Fund Management

Maxim Gillis

Senior Fixed Income Analyst

The Sub-Fund is suitable for retail and institutional investors who consider an investment fund as a convenient way of participating in capital market developments. It is also suitable for more experienced investors wishing to attain defined investment objectives with an investment horizon of 3 years.



The sub-fund’s objective is to offer its shareholders superior long-term capital gains. This objective will be achieved by investing the sub-fund’s assets primarily in fixed income instruments, as well as cash or other monetary instruments and derivatives, without geographical limitation and without sectorial restrictions. The sub-fund will invest in a diversified portfolio.

The sub-fund is managed on a discretionary basis and will invest predominantly in fixed income instruments. Fixed income instruments will have a weight of at least 80% of the net assets of the sub-fund. The sub-fund may allocate up to 20% of its net assets in cash or cash equivalent instruments. There are no limits or restrictions regarding geographical regions or other specific economic or industrial sectors or niches. The choices made by the Investment Manager are discretionary and reflect its expectations and strategic views. As a consequence, the allocation may vary from time to time. The sub-fund should invest at least 70% of its net assets in euro. There a no other limits regarding currencies. Investment grade bonds denominated in euro and cash or cash equivalent instruments denominated in euro, will make up at least 50% of the sub-fund’s net assets. The rating will be defined based on the highest rating by one of the recognized rating agencies (S&P, Moody’s, Fitch). In the case where the bonds issues have no rating, the rating of the issuer itself will be used, if available. The sub-fund can invest up to 30% of its net assets in high yield bonds and also up to 30% of its net assets in non-rated bonds, while combined the fund may only invest for 40% in non-investment grade bonds. The Investment Manager will apply a discretionary policy based on an in-depth selection, using dedicated financial and other models (i) taking into account various fundamental parameters determining the financial condition and profitability of the relevant instruments and (ii) comprising a qualitative-based approach analysing, from a broader macro-economic perspective, the quality and ethic standards of the management of the relevant issuer, its portfolio of products and services, etc. Socially Responsible Investing is a key element in the decision process, the investment manager will focus on environmental impact, social policy and good governance. Based on data collated by SRI specialist Sustainalytics or other providers of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) governance research and ratings. The investment manager also observes and uses the Norwegian Pension Fund’s Ethical Advisory Board exclusion list. Bonds and other equivalent securities may be issued by companies, states or other entities. The sub-fund may use derivative instruments like for example, futures, options, forward exchange contracts, credit default swaps or interest rate swaps in order to achieve the investment objectives and for risk hedging purposes. The currency of the share class is expressed in EUR. The investor has the right to redeem his shares on demand. The dealing in shares is carried out on each complete bank business day in Luxembourg. The attention of the investor is drawn to the fact that in exceptional circumstances, the possibility for the investor to request the redemption of his shares may be limited or suspended. These shares are capitalisation shares. Income and capital gains are reinvested.

One-off charges taken before or after you invest:

  • Entry charge: maximum 3,00%
  • Exit charge: maximum 3,00%

Charges taken from the fund over a year:

  • Ongoing charge: 0,69% (in the institutional I-share class)

Charges taken from the fund under certain specific conditions:

  • Performance fee: none

Withholding tax on dividends for Belgian residents:

  • Capitalisation shares: 0,00%
  • Distribution shares: 30.00% 

Capital gains tax on fixed income part for Belgian residents:

  • Capitalisation shares: 30,00%
  • Distribution shares: 30.00% 

Fiscal treatment according to the legislation in force, based on the individual situation of the investor, subject to changes in the fiscal law)


The sustainable investment policy is available here

How can I invest in this fund?

1) Through Econopolis

You can contact us by telephone: +32 3 3 666 555 or by e-mail:

2) Through a financial intermediary

U can ask your retail bank to subscribe in the UCITS fund Econopolis Funds - Global Bonds (please check first for the correct share class and ISIN code)

The Net Asset Value (NAV) of the fund is calculated by the European Fund Administration.

For complaints please address to or +32 3 3 666 555. In second instance you can contact the Ombudsman of the financial sector via

Before deciding to invest in the sub-fund, the prospectus and key investor information must first be read. You can find these documents above.