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Rainforests at risk: can economics provide the solution?

Rainforests, the lush green giants of our planet, not only harbor unparalleled biodiversity but also serve as vital natural carbon sinks. This article delves into the process by which rainforests act as colossal carbon absorbers, the critical role of three major rainforest regions, and the alarming consequences of deforestation on global carbon emissions.   How do rainforests ...

Navigating the waves and winds of tech investments: from quarterly earnings to long-term horizons

Long-term trends in tech investments In the world of technology investments, it is essential to underline the long-term structural growth. Tech companies are often in a constant state of innovation and development, which means that their true potential sometimes only becomes clear over longer periods. This is similar to navigating a long sea voyage: temporary storms can slow p ...

What’s next for Taiwan?

Taiwan's stock market performed strong in 2023 Despite geopolitical tensions throughout 2023 and tense elections at the start of 2024, the Taiwanese stock market -as measured by the MSCI Taiwan Index- had a splendid year in 2023. Taiwan equities delivered a 31% return, primarily driven by the technology sector (73% of the Index). It was the best performing Asian market last ye ...

Why the green transition train is one nobody wants to miss

Countries worldwide are actively reducing their emissions to combat climate change. This involves changes in policies and laws regarding sustainability across various sectors, requiring additional efforts and, inevitably, extra funding to meet new standards. This situation raises a natural question: Should developing countries be held to the same environmental standards? It's n ...

New year, new IPO market?

In financial markets, the Initial Public Offering (IPO) market stands as a barometer of economic vitality and investor sentiment. An IPO marks the transition of a privately held company into a publicly traded entity, opening its doors to a broader investor base and entering a new chapter of growth and visibility. As companies embark on the IPO journey, the market's response be ...

What Happens in the Arctic, Doesn't Stay in the Arctic: Understanding the Polar Vortex and Climate Change

This week, Belgium witnessed a picturesque winter scene with its first snowfall. As temperatures are likely to rise in the following weeks, it marks a beautiful end of a two-week cold snap. This cold snap had its roots in the fascinating and complex dynamics of the polar vortex. To grasp this concept, let's delve into some essential meteorological concepts. During the northern ...

Indulgence vs. Essentials: navigating brand loyalty and market dynamics in the food industry

Food for thought: While driving through downtown Omaha with a CEO friend in 2009, Warren Buffett posed a question: 'Do you know what the best-selling candy bar was in 1962?'. When the friend said he wasn’t sure, Buffett told him it was Snickers. Then, he told him what the best-selling candy bar was now: Snickers. When it comes to food, it appears that brands can have enormou ...

A Bright Future: Insights into the Solar Power Landscape of 2023

The year 2023 has wrapped up, offering a vital opportunity to analyze the significant trends that have shaped the solar power industry. Last week, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has provided preliminary data, giving a glimpse into the evolving solar landscape. Although final numbers are pending, the current data unveils intriguing insights. Two key observations already ...

Seeking a demographic dividend for everyone

There are only three sources of economic growth: population growth, technology, and the use of natural resources. In this article, we focus on population growth as an engine for economic growth. The relentless growth of the world's population seems, at first glance, to be good news for the economy. However, shifts in the composition of the population also pose significant chall ...

Econopolis Strategy: 2023 Wrapped

As 2023 comes to an end, it is a good time reflect on the past year. This year marked a significant milestone for our team, as we doubled in size and are now actively recruiting for our next team member. We had the privilege to work on a diverse array of fascinating subjects, significantly broadening our expertise in crucial fields such as industry, circularity, climate, the bl ...