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This is how they tell me the world ends

If a title like " This is how they tell me the world ends" doesn't capture your attention, I'm not sure what will. The phrase is the title of a book authored by Nicole Perlroth. Perlroth, an American journalist, has garnered recognition for her extensive reporting on cybersecurity and digital espionage. Since 2011, she has served as a cybersecurity reporter for The New York Tim ...

Beyond 1.5°c: global warming's new peaks and what they mean

This week's Climate Shocker could only be on one topic – a pivotal moment in our planet's global warming trends. According to the latest report from the Copernicus Climate Change Service, a disturbing milestone was reached: March 2024 experienced temperatures 1.68°C higher than the pre-industrial average (1850-1900) for the month[1]. What's more, this represents the tenth conse ...

Money for Nothing - the alarming rise of Meme investing

The alarming rise of Meme investing: Money for Nothing And then you turn on the TV, and there's just more of it. The $87 Million lottery winner, that kid actor that just made 20 million on his last movie, that internet stock that shot through the roof, you could have made millions if you had just gotten in early, and that's exactly what I wanted to do: get in. (The Boiler room, ...

Flying cloud factories: planes produce more than carbon dioxide alone

In 2018, planes around the world, both passenger and freight, emitted 1 billion tons of CO2, accounting for 2.5% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions[1]. The aviation industry is a known contributor to climate change, which is why these CO2 emissions are regulated by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). Unfortunately, the CO2 emissions do not provide the whole picture regard ...

EU Taxonomy: Solution or Driver of Greenwashing?

In a bold stride towards a greener future, the European Union unveiled the EU Taxonomy, a pioneering framework with the ambitious goal of steering the financial sector towards sustainability. This innovative classification system seeks to define what truly constitutes an environmentally sustainable economic activity. Its mission? To combat greenwashing by promoting transparency ...

Cracking the code of electric steam cracking

Modern economies are enabled by the industrial production of essentials materials, a process that is often accompanied by substantial carbon dioxide emissions. In 2020, the industrial sector was responsible for 36% of global final energy consumption, with the majority of this energy derived from fossil fuels. Consequently, the industry is accountable for one-fourth of global en ...

Beyond the hype: unveiling the realities and resilience of the private equity industry

During the 2018 US midterm elections, the Private Equity (PE) industry and its principals invested $150 million in various races, a figure they aim to surpass in the upcoming US presidential elections. A week ago, Belgian PE pioneer Jurgen Ingels, the founder of Smartfin, had the opportunity to interview President Obama at the latest edition of Supernova, an event that celebrat ...

From Resources to Resilience: The European Union's Approach to Critical Raw Materials

In the transition towards a sustainable future, clean technologies have emerged as beacons of hope in the global fight against climate change. However, behind the scenes of this technological revolution, hidden heroes known as critical raw materials (CRMs) play a vital role. These materials hold significant economic importance for the European Union (EU) yet face a high risk of ...

One quarter down: 2024's election marathon continues to set the global stage

In our previous post, we emphasized that 2024 stands out as a historic election year, with countries representing nearly half of the world’s population expected to participate in the polls. Some key votes are closely monitored due to their significance to markets, businesses, and policies, against the backdrop of the most fragmented geo-economic landscape in decades. With the f ...

No transition without transmission: our five key takeaways from Elia’s national energy debate

On Tuesday evening, the consulting team from Econopolis made their presence felt at Elia's national energy debate. This notable event drew energy leaders from across Belgium. The highlight was the presentation of a memorandum by Elia, prepared for the impending Belgian and European elections. The core of the evening was a pivotal debate among political parties, centering on the ...